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Post Debate

Written By: Frederick Nickens

Post debate, varying Democratic Politicians, figures and pundits are calling for JOE BIDEN to step down. Even the President said it was not his best day. I will not tell you how to think but give you points to ponder. I could say something like don't be a fair weather friend or remember when you had a bad day at the office, did your boss ask you to leave. But I won’t. I suggest to all of you that this is NOT the ANSWER. 

Let me explain, I served my country in the US Army for over 20 plus years. While in the Army, we are trained to live by seven values that guide our behavior and actions. These ARMY VALUES are Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. The military is famous for our acronyms and the acronym of the Army’s seven VALUES is “LDRSHIP”.  President Joe Biden has demonstrated through legislation and policies LDRSHIP. What has he done you ask?

During his 2020 presidential campaign, President Biden made several promises to the Black community, focusing on addressing systemic racism, promoting equality and economic opportunities and improving access to healthcare and education. We are in 2024, President Joe Biden's economic plan has created opportunities for Black people and has made a significant investment in our communities. 

Black unemployment rate is now 6.1%, when he took office it was 9.3%. With the decrease in unemployment the Black net worth is up 60% since the pandemic. He has lifted 800,000 children out of poverty by expanding the Child Tax Credit. Under this administration Black people are starting small businesses, becoming entrepreneurs of which was spurred in part by the nearly 180 billion in federal procurement opportunities to disadvantage businesses and the Small Business Administration backed loans to Black owned businesses. 

Since 2021, approximately 250,000 Black homeowners are now homeowners because FHA changed the way student loan debt is no longer considered in your debt to ration when applying for a home loan. The administration’s investment in Historically Black Colleges and Universities, since 2021 has been over 16B since 2021. President Biden has been committed to protecting social security and medicare. Social Security provides monthly income to more than 7.2 million people. 

Medicare now has a $35.00 cap on co-payments for insulin. To date, the administration has approved 167 billion in student debt cancellation for nearly 5 million borrowers who are eligible (Total and Permanent Disabled, Teachers, Nurses, Firefighters, military and others) for forgiveness. This is LDRSHIP - LEADERSHIP. Let’s trust ONCE AGAIN THE BIDEN AND HARRIS ADMINISTRATION. They are demonstrating LEADERSHIP. 

This is only a glimpse of what the Biden-Harris Administration has done that has valuably impacted our community. I mentioned those specifically to show that their administration is working hard to bring their promises to fruition. Getting older doesn’t diminish values, character, and commitment. He is doing the work! His administration is doing the work! He is exemplifying the “LDRSHIP” this is COUNTRY NEEDS. 

VOTING is our Super Power. That is why conservatives work so hard to focus on legislation to disenfranchise black voters. So I just want to ask you to do three things: (1) Research for yourselves what the President has done and judge the President on his body of work and (2) Read Project 2025 this will be the transition plan if a Republican is elected as President. Project 2025 aims to significantly diminish social equality and alter policies that have supported civil rights and liberties that we as Black people are benefiting from. 

My Grandmother always told me when someone is trying to convince you of an agenda, what is their real agenda and what are they really trying to hide. Like I stated in the beginning of this statement my purpose is not to tell you or lead you in any direction but give you points to ponder. I only have two tasks. The first is to please do your homework and judge the President on his body of work and the second is to have patience. I beseech you not to rush to judgment based on debate performance. 

A rush to judgment could be the worst thing in the world and drastically change our community as we know it now. The stakes are too high and failure is not an option. If you need something to focus on please educate yourself on “Project 2025”.  This is what awaits us if we get this wrong. In the end we must all dig deep and ask ourselves if we want a person with VALUES or someone without. Please stay safe and Blessed.

Frederick Nickens


Texas Black Caucus

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